What do men want?
I once asked a group of women and men what they thought men wanted most in
life and the women responded loudly with one voice, "MORE SEX!".
The men were silent, perhaps too shy to admit it.
What do men really want out of life? Many of my conversations with men
have been about relationships. They have wanted to improve their relationships
with their partners and their children. These conversations have involved topics
such as communication, money, violence, sex, spirituality and much more.
Feelings of anger, frustration, failure, longing, grief, loss, joy, satisfaction
and much more have been expressed.
For me relationships (good relationships) are the most important thing
in the world. I have heard many funeral eulogies and for most men I have
heard that it is not their business or sporting achievements that they are
most proud of but their relationships. Eulogies also reveal that it is in the
area of relationship that most regret is also felt.
One way for men to improve their relationships is to talk about them and
seek help in improving them. On this blog I ask men to especially be
respectful of women in their comments.
What is a good relationship? How can we have good relationships in all
areas of our lives: in family life, with our partner, in business, at work,
in society, between people of different religious and cultural backgrounds?
As a man what is most important to you?
life and the women responded loudly with one voice, "MORE SEX!".
The men were silent, perhaps too shy to admit it.
What do men really want out of life? Many of my conversations with men
have been about relationships. They have wanted to improve their relationships
with their partners and their children. These conversations have involved topics
such as communication, money, violence, sex, spirituality and much more.
Feelings of anger, frustration, failure, longing, grief, loss, joy, satisfaction
and much more have been expressed.
For me relationships (good relationships) are the most important thing
in the world. I have heard many funeral eulogies and for most men I have
heard that it is not their business or sporting achievements that they are
most proud of but their relationships. Eulogies also reveal that it is in the
area of relationship that most regret is also felt.
One way for men to improve their relationships is to talk about them and
seek help in improving them. On this blog I ask men to especially be
respectful of women in their comments.
What is a good relationship? How can we have good relationships in all
areas of our lives: in family life, with our partner, in business, at work,
in society, between people of different religious and cultural backgrounds?
As a man what is most important to you?
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